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Director -------------------------------------------- Mel Elkouz

Stage Manager ----------------------- Layla Bahmanziari

Meet the team!

  This production of Constellations was completely socially distant. This production was done just weeks after going into quarantine. The actors were already living together and all but dress rehearsals were done over zoom. As for the audience, I purchased a radio that the actors were able to wear. All we had to do was choose a clear radio station and people could listen to the play from their cars. Everyone drove up with whoever they were quarantining with and watched from the safety of their cars, just like the drive-ins.

   This play was so important to me because covid has taken away much of the theatre industry. I am thankful for all the recorded productions and zoom readings, but there is nothing quite like a live performance. I wanted to provide that community experience to my friends. As a way to get out the house. As a way to safely see people. To remind people that we can keep going. We will adapt. We will come out of this.

   The play looks at different outcomes and universes. As if each choice spawned several different universes. What I loved about the play was the possibilities. With each new scene, the actors had to defend how their character could do such an outrageous thing. We spent a lot of time finding the traits in them that worked in the 'good' scenes and in the 'bad'. For example, Roland hits Marianne in one scene. We had to justify why he would do that. It was so amazing finding the intricacies of their characters. This play asks do we have control or don't we? I hope people left the play with a better idea of the fragility of life and their need to make a choice.

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